general abt me

i'm jai (pronounced like jay)
asexual and gay (homoromantic if you want to be technical)
14 years old (don’t be weird)

my interests


favourite artists: nirvana, linkin park, ptv, mcr, the cure, fob, green day, mitski, radiohead, 3OH!3, the smashing pumpkins, germs and weezer


i like to read fiction subgenres and biographies. i wish i was capable of writing a book, but i never make it past the draft of a first chapter, i have good ideas tho


i like watching documentaries and some shows i like are daria, south park (not as much anymore), voltron and dead boy detectives


my dms are always open so message me whenever you want, but i will say i am neurodivergent and do struggle with tone sometimes, tone tags are always apprecited


sh/edtwt, transmed, hating my interests, proship/comship, dsmp fans, ronnie radke apologists, zoos, pedos, conservatives, maps, and other basic dni stuff. just don't be weird or gross

other social media

discord user: flaunttheweird7

anyone 21 and under feel free to dm me on any platform if you want to be friends. i am most active on discord and instagram